Andreas Kapardis
Andreas Kapardis studied in England and holds a Ph.D in Criminology from Cambridge University, is Professor Emeritus, Law Department, University of Cyprus. He is currently the President of the Sport Integrity Committee of Cyprus and chairs the bi-communal Technical Committee on Crime. During 1999-2020 he was a Visiting Professor at the Institute of Criminology, Cambridge University, is a Life-Member of Clare Hall, Cambridge University, and an elected Full Member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts. He has also been a Visiting Academic at the Cyprus Police Academy 2000-2019. His main research and teaching interests lie in criminology, criminal justice, police studies, penology, and legal psychology. For a number of years, he was a university academic in Australia, is a Senior Investigator graduate of the Victoria Police Detective Training School, has worked as Governor of the Central Prison in Nicosia and also as counselling psychologist in Australia. He has researched a broad variety of offenders, sentencing, legal psychology, policing, economic crimes, corruption, and prisoners in Cyprus. He has presented his work at numerous international conferences and published a significant number of books and over 250 scientific articles, chapters in books, in conference proceedings and so forth internationally. His books include: Fox, Farrington, Kapardis & Hambly (2020). Evidence-Based Offender Profiling. Routledge; Kapardis & Stephanou (2020) Sentencing in Cyprus, Nomiki Vivliothiki, Athens; Kapardis, A. & Samara-Krispi (eds.) (2018) Protecting the Environment from Human Intervention, Athens: Sakkoulas; Kapardis, A. & Farrington, D.P (eds), 2016, The Psychology of Crime, Policing and the Courts, London: Routledge; Kapardis, A., 2014, Psychology and Law (4th edition), Cambridge University Press and Baldry, A.C & Kapardis, A. (2013) Risk Assessment for Violent Offending, London: Routledge. He loves sport and is a 5th dan in Karate.